Workout logbook

A logbook developed to align workouts with set goals - powered by Notion

Workout logbook

A logbook developed to align workouts with set goals - powered by Notion
$ 10.00 USD
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The workout logbook aligns your goals with your workouts. This software works because it aligns your workout habits with the goals you set for yourself. More importantly, it creates a system for you to achieve a goal and set new ones with ease.


The price of this software gives you access to a Notion development link. Upon purchase, you will have access to the most current build of the Workout Logbook. Your one-time purchase enables access to future iterations of the software. By purchasing today, you lock in to lifetime updates of the product.

Who is this for?

This software was developed for the weekend warrior. Strava, TrainingPeaks, and Garmin Connect are some of the top players in the health and wellness tracking industry - so why create your own? Perspective and Privacy. For many athletes, training is about keeping to ourselves and remaining centered on the practice, not the posting. The workout logbook helps atheletes at every level achieve success.

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