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A sprinter lines up in the blocks with a baton in his right hand

Turning tasks into projects changed my productivity habits for good

July 19, 2021

22-year-old me stops by for a visit. What does he want to know? What topic of conversation does he want to start? I'll give you a hint - he's always trying to be more organized. Find out more in today's birthday-inspired journal entry on building a better productivity system.

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July 27, 2021
Personal Develpment

What is Lifestyle Design?

Lifestyle design is about intentional living and career fulfillment. It involves setting goals, managing time effectively, and embracing personal growth to create a life that aligns with your values and passions.

July 19, 2021

Turning tasks into projects changed my productivity habits for good

22-year-old me stops by for a visit. What does he want to know? What topic of conversation does he want to start? I'll give you a hint - he's always trying to be more organized. Find out more in today's birthday-inspired journal entry on building a better productivity system.

July 27, 2021
Personal Develpment

Perspective is trust in action

When your pen continues to write poorly, when you car does not respond to regular maintenance, change your perspective. When you can detach from the problem you face and see the system it affects, you are one step closer to resolution

July 26, 2021
Habit Formation

When We Live, We Learn

On a surface level, we know how our brains work. But deep down, are we afraid of who we are? Forming habits is one way we can tap into the biological human experience.

July 27, 2021
Personal Develpment

Embrace your challenge, never give in

Do you ever have those days that feel like everything and everyone is one step ahead of you? How do you respond when your day isn't going the way you envisioned?

July 27, 2021
Personal Develpment

A beginner's insights on building a library

In the spirit of knowledge building, document present thoughts for your future's understanding. Here are three reasons why building a knowledge database is important when buying nonfiction books

July 19, 2021

On my mark, get set - CREATE!

Last night, I came to a very clear conclusion that my efforts on the internet were best spent building my own media in a place that I own. For this reason, I have decided to take an internet sabbatical.

August 4, 2020

Persistence is the catalyst of change

Remaining consistent, remaining disciplined in unprecedented times is what powers individual and cultural changes.

July 21, 2020

2020 Mental Health Tip: Saying ‘No:'

Take on that new project. Build that new portfolio. Write that new case study.

July 21, 2020

Be a professional failure

When we learn to see our failures as an indicator of direction, we can better navigate our life's path.